The Secret Life of Bees
by Jill Love
The Secret Life of Bees
Jill Love
Photograph - Photograph
Do you ever wonder where bumble bees go? It's a mystery. They have, what seems to me, a secret life in my garden. They're tiny, really. Just a little fatter than a honeybee. People often mistake big carpenter bees as bumbles, but they aren't. Bumbles have fuzzy butts. Carpenters have big shiny butts. With that being said, I saw this little bumble enjoying this sweet autumn clematis and stopped to watch him doing these gymnnastics, leaning on his lower body to reach up... no, I did not turn the image sideways. I guess he simply ran out of nectar and was heading north for new blossoms and was just too tired to fly!
November 29th, 2022