Burst of Spring
by Jill Love
Burst of Spring
Jill Love
Photograph - Photographic Art
I wait impatiently every spring for the peonies to bloom. It is my favorite flower. I have peonies from my grandmother, my mother, and my sister. I have many of my own as well. Pink and turquoise are my favorite colors. So you can imagine my delight at this still life bouquet of pink and white peonies surrounded by turquoise.
We moved into a new home with large windows that provide a southwestern exposure as well as skylights. I have a turquoise dining room table. I'm surrounded by bright colors and beautiful light. It's almost time for the peonies to bloom again! Life is good!
May 11th, 2016
Comments (28)
Mariola Bitner
Congratulations on your outstanding artwork! It has been chosen to be FEATURED in the group “500 VIEWS.”
Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous floral still life with great colors, light, and composition, Jill! Congratulations on your feature in The 200 Club! F/L
Jill Love
Lynda, yes, peonies are my fave too. Your work really inspired me yesterday. I so enjoyed going through your galleries. I shared your work on Twitter and Facebook. So very impressed with your style. :) Thanks for your input on my Burst of Spring!
Lynda Lehmann
Beautiful treatment, Jill, that makes the image sing! I see you love Peonies as much as I do!
Jill Love
Inge and Wendy, thanks so much! The colors were captivating and cheery! They will all bloom again so soon. I can't wait.